Publications and Points of View
ULM: Ultra Lean Manufacturing
Blog of Christine Bénard, March 2014
Issue 3370 of L’Usine Nouvelle talks about the factory of the future which will be able to do more with less. I have always been supportive of this vision and I have tried to implement it in the companies I have managed. Particularly in Valeo Le Rotrou factory, we had implemented ULM for small assembly lines which were modular and simple. We did this with little investment and automation with a very ergonomic and extremely profitable result. ULM: A line in a U shape, where the operator pushes a cart on which the product will be assembled. So, the operator has formed his product from A to Z, which is a real motivation and is empowering to the operator. The operator takes components progressively and is guided by lighting aids and poka yoke according to reference he is building…
L’essential des Achats - JC Berlot, JL Bustamante
Eyrolle Editions, March 2012
Often maligned, deeply misunderstood, purchasing suffers from a poor image. Rightly so? With this work, the authors introduce a journey through the best of purchasing, based on positive examples of large and small purchasing services into enterprises. What issues do they need to work on? Which levers? What tools? What qualities do buyers have to develop? Throughout the pages, purchasing is seen as a source of progress and sustainable performance for the company. An accessible idea, as already practiced by corporate purchasing professionals (including Christine Bénard) testifying here.
Christine Bénard, CEO of Mecaplast Group: Pilot in the Industry
Hommes et Commerce Magazine, April-May 2011
"(...) Very quickly I realized then that one of our biggest problems was that because of the financial efforts of Mecaplast during the crisis, the client was not enough in the heart of the company. Innovation, quality, service, productivity, customer intimacy, all of this was a little too set aside! I had then realized that we needed to re-mobilize the entire company around the customer. In mid-February, we launched PEPS (an excellence plan for customer satisfaction) that included seven principles, such as: committed and motivated teams, efficient plants or integrated suppliers (...) ".
The Mecaplast General Manager, Christine Bénard, is back on the activities and objectives of the group for L'Usine Nouvelle TV at the Paris Motor Show.
October 2010
"The crisis is not quite over, but we have a recovery plan and roadmap and after 6 months of following this roadmap, we are quite in sync, and we are very confident in the future (...) we had help from several partners (...) and that's of course my team: they rolled up their sleeves and implemented plan ... "
Women in Power - Muriel Fitoussi
Editions Hugo Doc., February 2007
Are Women the Future of Mankind? Anne-Charlotte Amory, Christine Bénard, Yseulis Costes, Edith Cresson, Rachida Dati, Mercedes Erra, Dominique de La Garanderie, Christine Lagarde, Anne Hidalgo, Martine Monteil, Dominique Reiniche, Agnès Touraine, Simone Veil and Tita Zeitoun give their opinions. These are all women in power, whether in renowned companies in the great bodies of the state or politics. From all ages and backgrounds, they equally assume the power to which they have acceded to the strength of their talent and character. This book tells their path combining anecdotes and personal reflections, explaining the difficulty for women to climb the ladder in these highly competitive environments. How has this happened? How do they exercise their power? Do they show the same authority as men? Is there a female power? Is addressing power still a handicap of being a woman or has femininity become an asset? So many questions are answered in this document ... The testimony of these women is often surprising and always powerful. They herald a new era of our society that can no longer deprive half of humanity to move forward.
G-G+ partner with L’Usine Nouvelle awards about the digital industry, an event in the spotlight of the digital revolution.
October 2014
On October 16, 2014, I presented the trophy to Orange for the best Digital HR initiative. Congratulations to the winner and congratulations also to two other nominees including Airbus for a collaborative project with the Brainsonic digital agency, my partner.
At the L’Usine Nouvelle awards for best Industry digital successes, G-G + and Brainsonic release a special edition magazine: Collaborateurs Puissance10gitale.
November 2014
In this special issue available at Brainsonic you will find many cases about how our clients boost employee engagement. You will also find an infographic about HR Influencers of the moment!
G-G+ is in Bonneville, Utah, as a support of the Venturi car, to attend runs and attempt of speed record
September 2016

G-G+, Brainsonic and Bespoke celebrate their Association to become your Partner in Digital Communication in Monaco - May 2015